Our Science

Dermwel’s Difference:
Let’s get to the root of it

We’ve spent years studying the skin and its biological processes. For the best results we need to take into account two things: 1) root cause 2) use of multiple treatment modalities. That’s why our products are formulated with synergistic ingredients that always treat root cause rather than the symptoms.

Clinically Tested Claims

We trust in data. We don’t stop at theories. We perform multiple rounds of controlled clinical tests during the development of a product to confirm everything from product safety to unique product claims. All of our products are tested for:

  • + Safe for Sensitive Skin
  • + Preservative system efficacy
  • + Formula stability for 2 years minimum
  • + Package and formula compatibility
  • + Dermatologist Approval
  • + Product Specific Claims - Noncomedogenic