Sarah’s Skin Story

Sarah, Chemical & Biomedical Engineer

Dermwel Founder

Sarah’s Skin Story

I’m a Chemical and Biomedical Engineer by trade, graduated from Carnegie Mellon University. Shortly after college, I started to develop adult acne. At the time I was working as a software developer, but quickly became obsessed with the science of skin on the journey to cure my own.

After that, I completely switched careers and spent the last 5 years working at a skincare manufacturer launching and managing over a 100 products for some of the most prestigious, well known skincare brands on the market. I took the opportunity to learn everything I could about about the industry and how to successfully launch and support a skincare brand.

Now as I’m starting to age, and still dealing with adult acne, I’ve seen a gap in the market for products that not only treat, but calm/soothe and add moisture for aging skin. Dermwel was born out of my own search for products I could use that I knew were highly efficacious and clinically backed, but gentle and nurturing enough for my imperfect aging skin.
  • Dermwel Do’s

    Support Real Skin

    Our goal is to empower those who struggle with their skin health by guiding them to appreciate and embrace their imperfections.

    Safety First

    All products go through multiple safety checks. New products go through a 3 month 50 person irritation/sensitivity panel along with stability testing in accelerated conditions. We also perform a 1 month preservative efficacy challenge. After launch, every new lot of product gets tested for physical and chemical attributes as well as microbial testing to ensure the highest quality.

    Clinical Testing

    We believe in data backed results. Therefore, every product goes through various clinical trials to support our claims. Results you can trust, always.

    Dermatologist Partnered

    Dermwel partners with dermatologists during the development phase by having selected doctors test the product and provide feedback.

  • Dermwel Dont’s

    No fear mongering

    We’re not here to sell fear. We believe our results speak for themselves.

    We don’t Over promise

    When you over promise, you always under deliver. Instead Dermwel relies on testing to illustrate the efficacy of our products so we deliver real results, every time.


We recognize there is no winning formula when it comes to sustainability. Rather than making false promises, we strive to take thoughtful action where we can, all the while making legitimate sustainability claims that are accessible and honest.

1. Recycled + Recyclable materials

Dermwel uses either recyclable or post consumer recycled material wherever applicable to reduce the amount of waste, virgin plastic and carbon emissions created.

2. Holistic Review of Supply Chain

Sustainability doesn’t just start and stop at the product. At Dermwel we take sustainability into account at all levels of the business. We review all upstream and downstream emissions such as ingredient and product shipping. We also choose to partner with suppliers that participate in the global CDP initiative to continuously lower emissions.

3. Intentional Product Suite

Fast skincare, like fast fashion, is not sustainable. Instead of churning out products for the sake of it, our R&D team only develops products we feel are missing in the market and serve a real need. The goal - less, but higher quality consumption.